For those of you who know me, I am the type who names my cars. So far the female cars have been Minnie and Daisy, and the first male car was Mick. He was a black 1984 Datsun 200SX 5-speed, 6-cylinder, and so much fun to drive. I loved that car!!! I drove Mick for 8 years. I am such a loyal driver when it comes to cars... well, manual transmission cars. I don't really enjoy driving automatics. That's why I drove Minnie (an old Datsun 210) and Miss Daisy (a 1996 Mazda 626) for 4 or 5 years only.

Then, I developed the worst car crush ever... on Micah, my new car. He had to be blue, he had to be a hatchback just like Mick, and he had to be a 5-speed. My dad wheeled and dealed a little for me and got the moonroof and 6-CD changer thrown in there too, and we were off! My Mazda3 5-door (in car terms nowadays, that means "hatchback") is the coolest car around. I see other Mazda3s in the parking lot here at school and always look in to check them out. I think if I won the lottery, which I didn't last night as I'd hoped, I'd buy a few more: black for my "undercover" car, and red for fun road trips. I realize that I can change the volume of the stereo from my steering wheel, and it has all these cool features, but do you know what really got me excited at the dealership? The rear windshield wiper. Unless you've driven a van or hatchback, you have no idea how handy those can be in the rain.